Other Languages
WS Exams Rationale

                      *WORDSURFING ORGANIZATION HERE*                       WS for * TESL * TEFL * TESOL * ESL * EFL * ESOL * and other languages

Word Surfing Vocabulary Exams  aim to assess Real Language Level

The relationship between vocabulary and real language level appears to be both simple and obvious. Basically the relationship might be described as this …

Real language level increases as more words and phrases are known.

Although it’s unlikely that many people would disagree strongly with the above statement, it is - of  course - open to different kinds of interpretation. The phrase Real language level”  and the word “known” could very well different things to different people. In order to avoid any possible misunderstanding, it therefore seems necessary to give more accurate descriptions of what is intended to be understood by those two language items. The “definitions” given below have a direct bearing on the development of WS Exams – and why I believe that language learners should be given the opportunity to take part in such tests at different stages in the learning curve.

Real language level” is “defined” here as being …..  the level of long-term ability to clearly, correctly and quickly explain different words and phrases within any given language”.
“known” –  is “defined” here as being ….. immediately available for fluent and correct conversational or written use in any given language.
Note 1.  Real language level can't be accurately reflected by the ability to answer examination questions that make it possible to use short-term memory techniques.
Note 2.  A word or phrase can't be “known” through translation alone.

Word Surfing Exams are designed to give students every opportunity to find out their Real language level” by testing (i) awareness of randomly selected language items within lists of graded words and phrases and (ii)to what extent those words and phrases are “known”.

Language acquisition is progressive by nature and the extent to which a language item is therefore expected to be “known” by students depends upon the level that is being tested.

As a result of the above, WS Vocabulary Exams require that students demonstrate an increasing level of knowledge as they attempt to progress through the 20 levels. Such progress will depend upon words and phrases being satisfactorily “known” under the following conditions.

Levels 1 – 4.   Initial awareness + shallow understanding + correct spelling + acceptable pronunciation.

Guidelines: Can the student …

  • recognise the word/language item ?
  • understand it’s meaning?

( with help if necessary from the teacher in the form of L2 explanations - e.g.short example sentences/connecting words)

  • verbally spell the word upon request? ( if thought to be necessary)

If so , the student may progress through levels 1-4  - and move up one level each time  that 2 consecutive items can be dealt with in this manner.

Levels 5 – 8    Full awareness + deeper understanding + correct spelling + acceptable pronunciation + limited ability to use

Guidelines: Can the student

  • recognise the word/language item ?
  • understand it’s meaning ?

( without any help from the teacher - apart from 1 or 2 slowly  repeated dictations of the word/item if necessary)

  • verbally spell the word upon request? ( if thought to be necessary)
  • use the language item in a conversation involving simple sentences?

If so , the student may progress through levels 5-8  … and move up one level each time that 2 consecutive items can be dealt with in this manner.

Levels 9 – 12   Full understanding + correct spelling + acceptable pronunciation + a more developed ability to use.

Guidelines: Can the student …

  • initiate conversations by using the language item in simple sentences?

If so , the student may progress through levels 9-12  … and move up one level each time that 2 consecutive items can be dealt with in this manner.

Levels 12 – 15   A highly developed ability to actively use the language item both fluently and correctly within more complicated sentence structures + good pronunciation.

Guidelines: Can the student ...

  • speak at greater length about language items of particular interest?
  • avoid making basic grammatical errors during those conversations?

If so , the student may progress through levels 12-16  … and move up one level each time that 2 consecutive items can be dealt with in this manner.

Levels 16 – 20   An absolute ability to actively use the language item both fluently and correctly in all situations + very good pronunciation.

Guidelines: Can the student ...

  • speak fluently and naturally about topics of particular interest?
  • avoid grammatical or pronunciation errors during the conversations?

If so , the student may progress through levels 16-20  … and move up one level each time that 2 consecutive items can be dealt with in this manner.

1. A student will move down a level whenever two unsatisfactory responses are given to two consecutive language items within the level being tested.                                                                                           2. A student will stay in the same level whenever a satisfactory response is followed by an unsatisfactory response ( or vice-versa )

The circumstances under which WS Exams take place are designed to encourage students to test their knowledge in a relaxed, authentic atmosphere with a suitably qualified teacher.The Exam/Lesson basically involves two people playing a language game with each other – with both players aiming to get the best possible result within the rules of that game. Student cannot “fail” in such a game - they are simply helped to reach a certain level.. They also learn what, if anything,  needs to be done in order to reach higher levels in any future test/lesson/game. They should have an enjoyable, motivating experience – and be able to leave with

  • an accurate assessment of their Real language level”
  • the ability to improve (if necessary) … and
  • the opportunity to test themselves again in the future (if necessary)


Pictures that paint a thousand words can be seen at THE ART OF SURFING 

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© Copyright 2003 - 2005 Will McCulloch
